Sunday 23 February 2014

Some facts about Rohu, Squid and Canned Tuna

This popular fish species belongs to the carp family. It can be found in nearly every river in South Asia. It’s an omnivorous and vertebrate aquatic animal. This species belongs to kingdom Animalia, phylum Chordata, class Actinopterygii, order Cypriniformes, and family Cyprinedae. According to its binomial nomenclature it’s known as Labeo rohita (with genus ‘Labeo’ and species ‘rohita’).

Species of this fish grow up to a maximum length of 2m (6.6ft approx.) and a weight of about 110kg (240lb). When it is a juvenile, it mostly feeds on zooplankton, but as it grows it consumes more and more phytoplankton as food. All rohu species have modified, thin hair-like gill rakers which suggests that they feed by sieving water. The species is solitary and diurnal. It grows sexual maturity in 2 to 5 years. It lays eggs in the marginal areas of flooded areas.

People in almost all countries in Asia take these fish as food. It has the popularity in many countries around the world too. But, it is most popular in Indian states like Orissa and Bengal where people love to prepare fried rohu and rohu curry deliciously.


These are basically cephalopods. About 300 numbers of species constitute this class. The species belong to kingdom Animalia, phylum Mollusca, class Cephalopoda, superorder Decapodiformes, and order Teuthida. They have a distinct head, arms, two long tentacles and a mantle. Their body is bilaterally symmetrical and the 8 arms are arranged in pairs. Generally all species of this class are able to swim in the water, and some species can even fly out of water for some small distances.

It’s a popular food in many countries like China, Japan, Korea, Greece, Turkey, England, Portugal, Ital, Vietnam and Spain. Recipes are usually prepared by stuffing the entire body or cutting pieces. Almost all parts except gladius (pen) and beak are not eaten. These species contain Zinc and Manganese, Copper, Selenium, Vitamin B12 and Riboflavin.

It’s a saltwater finfish belonging to the tribe Thunnini which is a sub-group of the mackerel family (Scombridae). This species of fish belongs to kingdom Animalia, phylum Chordata, class Actinopterygii, order Perciformes, family Scombridae and sub-family Scombrinae. There are 5 genera in this family of finfish known as Allothunnus, Auxis, Euthynnus, Katsuwonus and Thunnus. These 5 genera together consist of 15 species of different sizes ranging from the bullet species (50 cm (1.6ft), weight 1.8kg (4lb)) to Atlantic bluefin species (maximum length 4.6m (15ft), weight 684kg (1,508lb)). Bluefin among all these species can live up to 50 years which grows up to an average length of 2m (6.6 ft).

The unique respiratory and circulatory systems allow these species to maintain the body temperature higher than that of the surrounding water. Canned tuna is a popular dish prepared by canning it in oils, brine, water and different sauces.

Ramen with Canned Tuna is a Great Recipe

If you are looking for an excellent recipe of tuna fish, this is exactly the perfect recipe for you. It is highly nutritious since it contains carbohydrates and protein in huge percentage. Aside from this, this recipe is fast, simple and super tasty to eat. You can master this recipe only with a little learning.
Since it is easy and quick, many people prepare it just after doing some workouts or exercises to get the protein needed for quick muscle recovery. Let’s jump into the recipe straightaway.

• 200 grams of uncooked ramen or noodle

• 2 cups of boiled water (1 cup per 100 grams)

• 1 spoon cooking oil (olive oil or plain butter is best)

• 1 fresh canned tuna of your choice

• 2 spoons preserved or fresh lemon juice (sour salt can also be used if you want)

• A little quantity of hot sauce (of any brand depending on your choice)

• First, you need to put the bowl over the flame and put required amount of water into it. Allow the water to boil and stop boiling it when the volume decreases to exactly two cups. In the meantime setup the noodles by adding a pinch of salt in another bowl.

• Open a tuna can and drain water or oil into the sink.

• Pour the boiled water into the bowl of noodles.

• Put the wet noodles in the microwave for about 10 minutes on a medium heat. The noodles should dry after 10 or 15 minutes, otherwise you can drain the hot water into the sink if you are in a hurry.

• Add a little amount of water to cool it before adding other ingredients.

• Add the butter or oil followed by adding the lemon juice.

• Add a teaspoon of salt and taste it if you want some more salt.

• To finish up add the tuna (without making it too small) and mix it well.

Now, the recipe is ready. Serve it and enjoy a great meal.